The story of the sequel to the popular cooperative horror FPS, begins with the escape of four heroes who have to work together to successfully fulfill the missions. CD key Information: Left 4 Dead 2 Steam CD-Key is the serial number or product code which is a combination of letters and numbers that activates Left 4 Dead 2, normally found on a sticker inside the games case or printed on the games quick reference card. Discover the best Game Key and Steam Gifts offers, compare prices to download and play Left 4 Dead 2 at the best cost. Do you have any extra or unused CD Key? To enjoy this awsome tool you only have to download it from the button listed above. Use free product code and play online today!! $0.00. If anyone have l4d2 key, what can give me (free), please add me on steam.My friend need 1 l4d2 key.I get the game, when it was free in steam, and we would like to play together, but my friend hasnt got the game.Pls HELP US ! Download Left 4 Dead 2 cd key generator tool and generate your own free cd key.